1ST STEP(Download sofware to make usb bootable)
Download rufus from link below
2ND STEP(creating bootable usb with dos OS)
Booting DOS from USB
How to Create a DOS Bootable USB Flash Drive that can ultimately be used to Run DOS from USB, using Rufus.
Authors Website: http://rufus.akeo.ie/
- (1) Select your USB Device from the drop down, (2) Choose the Fat32filesystem, (3) Tick the option to Create a DOS bootable disk
- Download Rufus and launch the program
- Click the Start button to create the DOS Bootable Drive
- Restart your PC, setting your BIOS to boot from the USB device, boot and enjoy!
3RD STEP (booting and updating)
Now copy bios upadate.exe file to your usb drive
Restart your PC, setting your BIOS to boot from the USB device
the menu will look like this
after c:\>(write file name of bios update.exe)